CTO Monthly Roundtable

Event Type
11 am - 12 pm

Strategic Planning, Breakthrough Innovation, Continuous Improvement, Disruptive Innovation, Innovation Metrics, Portfolio Management

Join fellow IRI member CTOs for a monthly facilitated knowledge sharing session on key topics impacting innovation in your organization.  Here is a rundown of what we will cover this summer:

  1. Q&A:  What are your current challenges?  What can your peers help you with?
  2. Different topic each month:
    1. July:  Increasing speed and agility through digitalization and AI:  Can you describe your recent successes and areas for growth in digitalization? What is your strategy for integrating AI in terms of preparing staff, evaluating processes, and selecting tools?
    2. August:  Planning for the future workforce:  How are you planning for evolving skill sets in today’s workforce? What strategies are you using to prevent knowledge loss amid increased retirements and turnover? 
    3. September:  Enhancing supply chain resiliency: To what degree is supply chain resiliency an issue in your organization, and what are the main driving factors? How are you mitigating uncertainty and improving transparency?
  3. CTO Corner:  What do you see as the biggest trends impacting innovation and R&D in the coming months? 

Contact Lee Green to receive the calendar invitation.

Disclaimer: IRI does not permit AI tools/bots to attend events.

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