Explore the insights from our recent “RTM: In Their Own Words” event, where Dr. Aylin Ates and Kumuda Suppayah delved into the Amazon Working Backwards (AWB) approach. Held on Thursday, August 22, the session provided a comprehensive overview of how a Fortune 500 energy company successfully leveraged AWB for internal corporate venturing. The speakers highlighted the disciplined focus on customers, processes, and people that the AWB approach embodies and presented a practical framework with actionable steps for implementing AWB in diverse organizational contexts. Key takeaways include strategies for de-risking market entry, building customer-centric innovations, and navigating potential pitfalls such as rigid processes and over-reliance on leadership. This session offers valuable guidelines for anyone looking to enhance their company’s innovation processes using the AWB method.
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Explore the insights from our recent “RTM: In Their Own Words” event, where Jeanne Liedtka, Stefano Magistretti, and Elizabeth Chen presented a 5-step model designed to accelerate innovation through early-stage experimentation. Held on September 5, the session highlighted how managers can implement fast, simple experiments to manage innovation costs and risks effectively. The speakers shared specific practices on what to test, how to test it, and how to derive actionable insights. This strategic, scalable process helps organizations enhance adaptability and seize opportunities in uncertain environments. Key takeaways include strategies for building systematic experimentation capabilities across various levels and functions, improving innovation pipelines, and aligning these efforts with broader strategic goals.
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Editor in Chief
Yat Ming Ooi, RTM Editor-in-Chief
On December 1, 2023, Yat Ming Ooi became Editor-in-Chief of Research-Technology Management. He has served as a Board of Editors member since May 2022 and has published articles in the journal.
Yat Ming is an assistant professor in innovation management at The University of Auckland, Management and International Business, where he researches, teaches, and consults on innovation management, technology strategy, and digita transformation. He is also an affiliated researcher of the transdisciplinary Ngā Ara Whetū: Centre for Climate, Biodiversity, and Society at the University of Auckland.
Read Yat Ming’s first editorial “RTM for Practitioners by the Innovation Management Community.”