Community Forum – How are you motivating innovation in your organization?

Resource Type
Survey (Community Forum)
Publish Date
Innovation Research Interchange
Managing Innovation and R+D, Continuous Improvement, Leading Innovation Organizations
Associated Event

A: How are you motivating innovation in your organization?

The innovation ecosystem is advancing with digital capabilities providing insights from a larger global set of resources and opportunities. We are interested in learning how innovation best practices have endured or evolved from a post pandemic perspective.

The results from this week’s survey are below.

Community Responses

5. Has your organization’s approach to motivating innovation has changed after the pandemic? If so, please describe how it has.

  • More use of electronic tools to solicit ideas.
  • No
  • The approach for motivating innovation has remained largely the same as before the pandemic
  • Yes, positively more enabling and humbling, less structured and more knowledge driven
  • Yes, more at home work

Have a response to add?  Email us!