Carnegie Mellon President Subra Suresh Recipient of 2015 IRI Medal
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Suresh recognized for commitment to innovation and elimination of barriers to collaboration
Arlington, VA (April 30, 2015)—Recognizing the significant achievements of individual innovators is a core mission of the Industrial Research Institute (IRI), which grants three major awards annually. In honor of those individuals who have contributed greatly to the advancement of science, industry, and society, the organization presents the IRI Medal.
For his leadership and innovative research, which has shaped new fields at the intersections of engineering, biology, and medicine, IRI awards this year’s Medal to Subra Suresh, President of Carnegie Mellon University. His contributions include working to reduce barriers to collaboration among research enterprises around the world; helping to ensure that the American people benefit from U.S. innovation; and, opening up new opportunities in science and engineering for women and underrepresented minorities.
“Innovation thrives where there is diversity, openness, and a level playing field,” said Ed Bernstein, IRI President. “Dr. Suresh has worked diligently to deliver all three in his life and work and for that we are proud to honor him with this year’s IRI Medal.”
Dr. Suresh is the ninth president of Carnegie Mellon University. From 2010 to 2013 he served as director of the National Science Foundation (NSF) where he created the Innovation Corps, to support scientific entrepreneurship, and the Global Research Council to bring together research funders from around the world. Prior to his work at NSF, Dr. Suresh was dean of the School of Engineering, and Vannevar Bush Professor of Engineering, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His pioneering research into the properties of engineered and biological materials, published in more than 300 research articles, 21 patents, and 3 books, has shaped many disciplines.
The award ceremony for Dr. Suresh was held yesterday evening at the Westin Seattle during IRI’s Annual Meeting.
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The Industrial Research Institute (IRI) is an organization of 200+ industrial and service companies having a common interest in the effective management of technological innovation. IRI member companies span diverse industries and represent a substantial portion of our nation’s gross domestic product. IRI is the only cross-industry organization creating innovation leadership solutions and best practices in innovation management developed through collaborative knowledge creation. For more information, call 703-647-2580 or visit