Explore practical uses for AI that can help you enhance learning in any topic area and boost productivity. Join us for Using AI to Achieve Deeper Learning & Accelerated Productivity, a Deep Dive Workshop presented by Joe Mazzeo of Crossfire Consulting at the IRI Innovators Summit. Whether you are new to AI or an experienced user, this workshop will give you tools to improve your innovation efforts.
New technologies are disrupting industry after industry and are doing so at an increasing pace. No manager can understand deeply every emerging technology, but R&D managers need to be able to make decisions about what technologies to invest in, track those investments, and effectively communicate their importance to business leaders.
This hands-on workshop will include break-out exercises to work with the tools and techniques to improve participant understanding and is designed to enable managers to intelligently manage emerging technologies important to your businesses.
Roadmaps turn strategy into action. Learn to move from big opportunities to tangible roadmaps for growth. This workshop will cover common challenges in organizations and the different ways to overcome those challenges by keeping opportunity as the keystone to growth. Topics include Voice of the Ecosystem, Cross-functional alignment, Agility (and not just in IT), and more.