Code of Conduct
The Innovation Research Interchange (IRI) accelerates growth, captures insights, challenges convention, pioneers practices and cultivates leaders. At IRI, we focus on the three domains of innovation leadership: organizational, operational and strategic. Our programs and services offer value in each area; however, our primary aim is to create a community that advances the field. To do this, we welcome all industries, all sectors of the economy and all individuals with an interest in advancing innovation leadership. We create a safe, sharing space by which leaders can come together and learn from each other.
To ensure a healthy, pleasant, learning environment for all, we insist on the following conduct from everyone participating in an IRI event.
- IRI events are harassment free environments. No behavior which endangers or belittles other attendees will be tolerated. All participants at any IRI event must exercise consideration and respect in their speech and actions.
- Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech.
- Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants.
- Alert IRI leaders or staff members if you notice a dangerous situation, someone in distress, or violations of this Anti-Harassment Policy, even if they seem inconsequential.
- Everyone is free to use what is learned in an IRI event. Accomplishment of IRI’s purposes requires the frank, mutual exchange of information on innovation management principles and practices. Therefore, the utmost caution and restraint must be exercised in handling and using confidential information; all such information must be kept confidential and must be used solely for the benefit of the member companies or of the Institute. Otherwise, participants are free to use the information exchanged at IRI events provided the speaker’s identity, affiliation, and that of any other participant is withheld – unless such identification is obvious via video or other publications.
- To facilitate sharing and the true sense of community, please feel free to use the contact information provided to IRI members in order to build a personal network; however, do not share such information with others and never use such information for marketing purposes or to promote a service.
- IRI research activities are conducted to further the interests of IRI and its members. Any party involved in the development of intellectual property derived from such collaborative activities must abide by the IRI Participation Principles.
- It is the policy of the Innovation Research Interchange, and it is the responsibility of every IRI member, to comply in all respects with Federal and State antitrust laws. No activity or discussion at any IRI meeting or other function may be engaged in for the purpose of bringing about any understanding or agreement among members to (a) raise, lower, or stabilize prices; (b) regulate production; (c) allocate markets; (d) encourage boycotts; (e) foster unfair trade practices; (f) assist monopolization, or (g) in any way violate Federal or State antitrust laws.
- Nobody participating in an IRI event is allowed to market or sell consulting services at the event or to use contact information from IRI’s member database or lists of participants for marketing purposes, unless they have registered as a partner of IRI. Prohibited marketing and selling of services includes but is not limited to: detailed descriptions of such services; inquiries of possible consulting needs; distribution of contact information beyond what is provided by IRI; private meetings during program hours; and requests to arrange other meetings. Registered partners may engage in such activities. The number of individuals associated with registered partners will not exceed 20% of all attendees at any event.
- Unacceptable behavior from any participant at an IRI event will not be tolerated. If a participant engages in unacceptable behavior or violates this Code of Conduct, IRI may take any action it deems appropriate, including removal from the event (without refund) at which the violation occurred. Egregious violations will result in more severe sanctions.
Any person who has any questions regarding this Code of Conduct should discuss the matter with the President of IRI.
To ensure a healthy, pleasant, learning environment for all, we insist on this conduct from everyone participating in an IRI event.