How to Manage Generative Idea Screening
- Resource Type
- RTM Publication
- Publish Date
- 12/17/2024
- Authors
- Alexandre Sukhov, Antti Sihvonen, Jana Huck, Lars E. Olsson, Johan Netz
- Topics
- R&D, Innovation
- Associated Event
- Publication
Traditionally idea screening has been understood as a selection process, but recent studies have shown that idea evaluators engage in creative activities during screening. This approach has been conceptualized as generative idea screening. In this study, we analyzed how expert evaluators perform generative screening. By analyzing idea screening situations, we found that experts rely primarily on three types of generative activities that focus on adapting, concretizing, or changing an idea. Innovation managers can use this information to organize and direct generative activities during idea screening. We also discovered four idea screening processes: simple evaluation, simple modification, cyclical modification, and cyclical exploration. Adapting and concretizing an idea are prevalent activities in these four processes, which suggests that generative idea screening is best used for identifying and solving issues related to how an idea is presented and implemented.