2022 CTO Forum Summary

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Sustainability and ESG, Talent Management, Customer Insight, Knowledge Management, Employee Innovation, Managing Innovation and R+D, Trends
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2022 CTO Forum

The 2022 in-person meeting of Chief Technology Officers was held in Washington DC on September 19-20, 2022. Craig Slavtcheff, Executive Vice President – Chief Technology and Innovation Officer of Campbell Soup Company, served as the host of the meeting. Mr. Slavtcheff used the concept of living in a VUCA world to kick-off the meeting. VUCA was first used in the military to characterize the chaotic environment in which battle decisions are made. Many believe that VUCA now characterizes the climate in which business organizations must operate

Key take-aways include How To:

  • Plan for the VUCA world to be around for a while to come.⊲
  • Develop innovation governance models that include senior leaders and protect resources. A quarterly innovation governance board can use tools like trackers and scorecards.⊲
  • Use similarities in research and innovation leadership challenges across industries. ⊲
  • Develop an ecosystem for long term research and innovation including public funded research and industry centered research, perhaps globally.⊲
  • Use young talent to drive young talent attraction, retention, etc.⊲
  • Build a culture to encourage back to office.⊲ Solve for sustainability by being innovative on the supply chain.⊲
  • Use “Community Days” on those days that the team is in the building.⊲ Avoid the mindset that technology can solve ‘unachievable’ sustainability goals.⊲
  • Increase measurements and leverage select external consultants.